Monday 2 February 2009

Clicking (Chapter 1)

First of all:
It is good to do something with your dog.
Dogs are intelligent,and, just like humans, some of them more, some of them less.
But it depense on every individual and on its owner, what to make of it.

Some of you got a puppy some of you took a dog out of a shelter.
So dog needs brainfood. There are many different ways to train your dogs brain, and one of them is clicking. The good thing is, that clicking is for every age and for every intelligence-level.

Clicking is conditioning.
Conditioning means, that with one impuls you release another one.
Maybe some of you knows the "Pawlov`dog"
He was trained, that every moment he heard a bell ringing, food comes. The food came and he startet driveling. With the time, he driveled, when he heard the bell, in expectation of food. No matter, if there came food or not.
So, the dog was conditioned to the bell.

Clicking is conditioning.
Click means food. Or lets say: Click means "Good boy".
You need a noise, which always sounds the same. No matter where you are or in which mood you are.

So, what you need is a clicker
There are different types and styles. These two are the most common.
I prefer the blue one with the yellow button. Because I can also use it without my hands. But try out on your own, which one you like most.
So why should you buy a clicker? Can`t you use your tounge to make a noise, clapp your hands or snip your finger?
You can. But remember: It has to sounds the same at any time. Try out and you will see, you hardly can. Neither with the tounge nor with you hands.
So go and buy a clicker. Buy two or three, sure you will loose on ;-) They are cheap.

The next thing is: Find something, your dog REALLY like and is not allowed to have it every time. Like sausages, cheese, a piece of fish, hugs, a special toy... whatever.
And than find something he would die for. Some dogs love cat food. But find it out on your own.
If you are not sure of, but three or four things on the ground and see, what your dog takes first.
This should be something he normally never gets.
That`s your jackpot.

But please please please: Nothing with sugar or chocolate. Thats not a treat, thats a torment.

So you have your dog, your clicker, your treats and your jackpot.

And next monday we start :-)

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