Wednesday 18 February 2009

Dog whisperer

Yesterday I lisened to a conversation.
It was about a dog whisperer. I can`t remember the name, sounded spanish or mexican.
Anyway the conversation was about not well trained dog.
So one person said, that she knows, that the dog whisperer take thumb, index finger and middle finger and catch the dog in the neck and press him to the ground. That is, because the alpha wolf in a pack does so, to say, that he is the leader, and nobody else. To a little objekt, that this sounds strange, the first person said: For sure he (the dog whisperer) knows, what he's doing, because he always does so.

First of all, dogs are not wolves. I know dogs where (somehow) wolves 30000 years ago, and you can find many similar behaviors within dogs and wolves. But, and I can't repeat it often enough, a dog is not a wolf. Dogs decidet more than 30000 (thirty TOUSEND) years ago, to live with humans. True the years they changed their look (humans work anyway). Dogs changed their behavoir, their habitat, their way of living away from packs to singles or as the humans liked to, two or three. (of course there are always exceptions, like packs of Huskys for a sled).
Wolves never did. Their look is almost the same than 30000 years ago, also their way of living in a pack, as far as it is still possible in this world overfill with humans.

Second, and also that is something I can't repeat often enough: Humans are not dogs.
So we are also not able to act like them.
We also can not be the Alpha dog. Why? Because we are not dogs. No way, forget it. We can be happy, that our dog accept us as the leader, the one who says, what's going on. But I am very sure he does not perceive us as an Alpha dog. I know, very small difference, but there. Hope you got me right.
So: just one wrong touch, a wrong move, the wrong time and not the right position of the fingers could distroy the desired effect. And at the end you might have a worried dog, lost any trust in you he might has before.
So, to giving tips like that very one, is bosh.

Third and last one: My hair stands on end, when I hear: He is right/knows what he does, because he always does it.
What should that mean? Is that his only concept with rude dogs? Or was there a misunderstanding with the one person explaining?
If it is the second one: That means, the explaination from the wisperer was not good enough or the person didn't take good attention.
If it is the first: Hands away! A dog wisperer with only one concept about rude dogs is not good.

A good dog trainer/whisperer is creative, watches the dog, trys to find out the dog's history and gets an idea about the problem. If he knows all that, he finds an answer and a solution. And that solution can not be always the same one.

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